Multipurpose language geek, quick thinker, family man, all-round good guy, creative soul.

A little something about me.
For someone whose whole line of work is using words to explain complex subjects, and produce the most versatile articles and interviews, writing a short bio remains remarkably tricky.
Will I present myself formally while pointing you - the reader - at my professional experience and the former clients listed below? Or will I use the casual approach and tell you about my life-long love of travelling, fascination for languages and that I enjoy playing a bit of guitar in my spare time?
Or perhaps I could ask some of the questions I ask my clients as well, before I start writing, making each piece of writing match its exact target audience, style and purpose.
Lastly, I could end on a jolly note, to nudge you towards contacting me if you have a job for me. Or if you'd simply like to know more about me. My shoe size, my favourite food, but not my bank details. Yes, that'll do.
Of neem direct contact met mij op, door hier te klikken
Services (Dutch-English)
- In-depth interviewing and writing
- Written web content including SEO
- Translations NL-EN and EN-NL
- Copywriting and editing of existing copy
- Social media content, video scripts or SEO blogs
- Complementing, editing and rewriting existing text.
- A witty pun here or there
Education and working experience
Fontys Hogeschool Journalistiek Tilburg
HP/De Tijd - Freelance columnist en editor
Dagblad de Limburger - online en social media redactie
2024 (feb-nov)
Contentmarketing Heijmans Toekomstvastwaarde (freelance/interim)
(Former) clients
- Heijmans Toekomstvastwaarde
- Fontys Centrum voor Ondernemerschap
- Nederbelgisch Magazine
- Tilburg University
- Beijk Molenbouw
- Mitsubishi Electric
- Gemeente Beesel
- HP/De tijd
- NL Talentenfonds
- Dagblad De Limburger
- Organisatie Groep Zuid
- OC&C Strategy Consultants
- Shuttel
- Ecorus
- Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei